Read Our 2022-23 Annual Report



Dear NCJW Colorado members, partners and friends,

As the 2022-2023 term comes to an end, we take time to reflect on the year just past. With our mission in mind and following our values, we have stood on our solid 130-year foundation and have continued to do great work, build a strong community and organization, produced amazing programs, performed incredible community service and successfully advocated for significant change to better the lives of women, children and families and safeguard individual rights and freedoms in Colorado. This term saw us emerge from Covid-19 and return to larger gatherings, travel to the border, significantly grow our membership, provide numerous needed community services and programs to the people of Colorado, forge and strengthen significant partnerships, help pass very important legislation, complete dreams put on hold before the pandemic, transform our communications, and build a solid foundation of protocols and practices for governing our section. We emerged from the pandemic stronger than before, incorporated lessons learned (such as utilizing Zoom programs to bring top notch speakers and programs to the section and to assure everyone throughout the State has an opportunity to participate), rediscovered our NCJW Colorado community and set a path forward with stronger conviction than ever to making a difference in our state. During the 2022-2023 term, we reached for the stars and soared to new heights. Below is a summary of the term.

Mission and Values

The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice through community service, advocacy and education by improving the quality of life for women, children, & families & by safeguarding individual rights & freedoms. At NCJW, we are inspired by thousands of years of powerful, unapologetic Jewish women. Especially those called to pursue and make change. Based on our Jewish foundation, we adopt the following values:

• KAVOD HA’BRIOT – there is inherent dignity in all human beings
• TZEDEK TZEDEK TIRDOF – the pursuit of justice is a Jewish imperative
• B’TZELEM ELOHIM – the spark of divine is equally present within everyone
• TALMUD TORAH – education is the cornerstone of change


NCJW Colorado currently has 509 members throughout the state of Colorado with the bulk of those members residing in the greater Denver (including Boulder) metropolitan area. We have a significant pocket of members in Summit County. We continue to grow each year. This year we saw over 60 new members join our section. People tend to join by word of mouth, after a program that they attended, or after learning who we are. These growth trends emphasize how important it is to get the word out and plan interesting and meaningful programs that people want to attend. Unfortunately, approximately 20 members passed or moved out of State. Our total membership was up by 14% over last year.

This year saw a significant push for individuals to renew their annual membership with a campaign in January and again in June. We had not made such a push since before Covid so it was a significant effort. The push is on-going (to be finished by the end of July) so we are unsure how successful we will be, but to date we have had over 60% of the members renew. Our section is proving to be a powerful community fighting and helping women, children and families and
building comradery.


During the year, we held 37 different programs, activities and service projects with over 575 participants. An additional 450 people attended the three community focused events we hosted. The leadership has focused on providing high quality programs that are well planned, publicized and accessible to all at a variety of times and locations. We have strived to provide events and activities that appeal to all parts of our membership, create comradery and further our mission.

Building Community

Our membership is comprised of caring, inquisitive, compassionate and committed women and men — Jews from all aspects of Judaism and non-Jews as well — who desire to explore and aid the women, children and families in our communities and further the causes about which we are passionate. Our cross generational members stand together to learn, advocate and help others. From one generation to another we have learned, and grown over the last 130 years. Our community is important to us all, and this year we have had several programs that have honored our past, helped people connect to the rest of our community and aided people getting to know each other better.

• Neighborhood Coffees: Small group gatherings of neighbors to get to know each other and possible form carpools to events or opportunities to write and call their legislators together.
• New Member Brunch: The annual new member brunch was an opportunity for new members to meet each other, learn more about the organization and start to engage.
• Tree of Life Luncheon: A new event which hopefully will become a tradition were we honor our roots and all of our members who brought us to where we are today.
• Scholarship Brunch: An opportunity to not only honor those women who are receiving scholarships but also the donors and women for home the scholarships are named.
• This One’s for Me: Women’s Shabbaton: Women from all over our section came together in Summit County to celebrate Shabbat and take care of themselves. We fed our souls and our bodies, we learned mindfulness, hiked, studied about Shabbat, rested, did Yoga, made crafts and had a wonderful time.
• Israeli Dance, Dessert, and Discussion: We learned Israeli dances, ate wonderful Israeli desserts and explored programs NCJW supports in Israel.
• Winery Tour and Wine Tasting: An evening of wonderful wine, good food and fantastic conversation. A true chance to get to know others.


Through Listen & Learns, Documentaries & Discussions, and hands on workshops and simulations, we have had numerous opportunities both in person and via Zoom to educate ourselves and then turn our learning into action. This model of learning allows members to learn no matter where they are located and provides many different formats to meet members’ needs. These education to action program occurred through the
in the advocacy, community service and self-help fields.

• Listen and Learn: The Power of Your Vote: A joint program with the League of Women Voters to explore the power of a vote and the reason why your vote counts leading up to the 2022 mid-term elections. Turned into action by bringing the candidates forum to our community to create more informed voters.

• Workshop on How to Effectively Advocate: A lesson from a state representative on what makes advocacy effective. Put into practice throughout the legislative session.

• A Conversation with Heather Booth, Founder of The Janes: A discussion of the documentary, an understanding of the history of abortion rights, lessons from Heather Booth on advocacy and fighting for reproductive rights and presentations on the current agenda and action from leaders at our partners Cobalt and Color. Turned into action through our advocacy for abortion rights.

• On the Exhale Play: A thought provoking one women play on gun violence stemming from the Sandy Hook Shooting with a talk back afterwards. Turned into action through our work to end gun violence.

• Focus on Immigration Series: A deep dive into the immigration crisis. First, a simulation of the legal immigration process, then an understanding of the financial drivers and hurdles for migrants and finally, a look at the status of immigration today with HAIS. Turned into action through our mission to the Border.

• Mission to the Border: A four-day hands on trip to El Paso and Juarez to see first-hand what is going on, dispel myths, help migrants and understand the situation from many different perspectives. Turned into action through bringing back our learning to the section, each participant committing to meaningful volunteerism with our migrant community, and advocacy to change the system and the narrative.

• Current Trends in Antisemitism and What to Do About Them: In partnership with and learning from the ADL we explored Antisemitism Trends and what we can do when faced with antisemitism. Turned into action by committing to dive further into this topic and encompass it in our agenda for the next term.

• Baking with Love: Dessert and Discussion with Safe House Denver: A kitchen shower to equip the safe house’s kitchen, an opportunity to learn what the Safe House does and what you can do to help people who are being abused, and a demonstration on how to make a fun and delicious cake. Turned into action by exploring community service work we can do in connection with the Safe House.

• Living Below the Poverty Line: Stepped into the shoes of people living below the poverty line and face the difficult decisions this individual has to make every day. Learn how hard it is to pull yourself out of poverty. Turn into action through our equitable justice advocacy and our community service work.

• Denver Family Promise: Ending Homelessness One Family at a Time: Learned more about this amazing organization in our community and the work they do for families facing homelessness. Turn into action by exploring community engagement with the group and a way to elevate our work with the unhoused.

• Discussion on Heart Health: Learned from the American Heart Association how to identify heart issues especially in women. Turn into action (perhaps next term) by disseminating information to underserved women through libraries and other public locations.

• Golda Meir: The Only Women in the Room: Cosponsored this event and learned about this amazing woman and her leadership in a men’s world. Inspiring us all to be the strongest leaders we can be.

• Sisters In Law: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sandra Day O’Connor and the Supreme Court Today discussion with the Colorado Attorney General: Sponsored this
educational program for the community and participated as we learned how these two Justices shaped the court and where the court is today. Turn into action by working to assure proper judges are confirmed to serve.

• Walk and Celebration for Israel: Stand in solidarity with our Jewish community to support Israel. Turn into action by working towards a better the lives of Israeli women, children and families.


At the heart of what we do, is action! We take action through both Advocacy and Community Service. NCJW is a place where you stand with your daughter, your mother, your sister, and your grandmother to fight for the issues that matter the most to you all. NCJW is the place where together with your friends you roll up your sleeves jump in and help our community. This year we have built even stronger relationships with legislators, dove deeper into our advocacy work, committed even more to the issues that matter to us, addressed even more issues faced in our community, built even more meaningful partnerships, and helped those in needed even more work.


There are so many important issues that we face today, but since our resources and people power is limited, to be effective, we must focus on a few. During the last year we primarily focused our advocacy on three issues: Reproductive Rights, Gun Violence, and Equity Justice. Through direct meetings, letters, emails, and calls we got our positions known and worked hard to help pass and stop legislation on both the state and federal level in each of these areas. As constituents, as opposed to professional lobbyists, we bring an important voice to the issues and hold a unique position of sway with our representatives. We were able to leverage that position this year. Additionally, we partnered with other organizations and not only added our name to what they did on these topics  but learned from them, stood next to them, added our voice and resources to theirs and touched our state legislators with even more impact. Finally, we built new and strengthened old relationships with legislators. It was a very strong year, but we can still do so much more. To do that we need you, all of our members! Please join these efforts. It is not difficult and EVERYONE can do it.


• Calls to Action: During the Colorado Legislative Session, weekly we let members know what was happening, what needed our attention and HOW to take action. We offered information and status about pertinent bills, models of call and email language, opportunities to meet directly with legislators through in-person trips to the Capitol. These emails had an approximate 55% open rate. It was not possible to tell how many people actually followed the Call to Action, but hopefully the inspired people to take actions and our members found them helpful.

• Walk to End Gun Violence: In partnership with Mom’s Demand Action, we walked around the lake in the park at Columbine High School to end gun violence and heard from survivors, Representative Jason Crow, and Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser in this meaningful and moving event. More than 250 people attended.

• Candidates Forum: Brought over 60 candidates from state house and senate races, ballot issues, statewide and federal races together for an open house followed by a forum with all statewide and federal races represented except one. Over 150 community members came and learned about each candidate’s position so they could be an informed voter.

• Legislative Brunch: Hosted breakfast for 72 of the 98 state representatives and senators at which we were able to get to know each other and discuss the issues that are important to NCJW. One of the key ways our name is becoming a known and associated with doing good advocacy on important topics.

• Annual Day at the Capitol: Brought our members together to learn more about the workings of the legislature, meet legislatures, lobby for bills on issues important to the organization, witness a hearing, and sit on the house floor.

• Honored by the Colorado House of Representatives: As part of our Day at the Capitol NCJW was honored with a proclamation on our 130th Anniversary.

• Repro Shabbat & Community-Wide Havdalah and Melava Malkah: Worked with congregations throughout the state to bring repro Shabbat to life during Shabbat Services. The Shabbat culminated with a community-wide 60 person NCJW Havdalah and Melava Malkah bringing awareness to this issue and sparking advocacy on the topic.

Bills NCJW Helped Pass Into Law

Equity Justice

• SB23-105 Ensure Equal Pay for Equal Work. This law amends the previous law to clarify certain existing employer obligations, and add new obligations including making reasonable efforts to announce/ post opportunities internally on the same calendar day as it posts job opportunities externally, disclose the hourly/salary for a position, a general description of the benefits, and the date the application window will close, and tell a selected candidate with whom they will work, and requirements for career progression. Finally, the law provides for back pay for up to six years as damages for any violation of the law.

Reproductive Rights

• SB23-189: Increasing Access to Reproductive Health Care. This new law requires health insurance companies to offer cost-free medication abortions, contraception, vasectomies and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases!

• SB23-188: Protections for Accessing Reproductive Health Care. This law declares that Colorado will not recognize, participate, or comply with any interstate investigations or prosecutions involving abortion care. It also protects the people who both seek and provide
gender-affirming care in CO.

• SB23-190: Deceptive Trade Practice Pregnancy-related Service. This law prevents anti- abortion centers from using deceptive advertising practices meant to lure patients in and eventually steer them away from abortion care. It also prohibits them from promoting “abortion reversal” services- which is a completely unproven and unethical use of hormones to attempt to stop a medication abortion.

• SB23-284: Ensure 12-Month Contraception Coverage. This bill increases consistent access to the contraception most suited to the individual.

Gun Violence Prevention

• The boldest package of gun safety legislation since 2013 which included new laws raising the age requirement for gun purchases to 21, instituting a three-day waiting period on purchases, banning untraceable “ghost guns,” and strengthening Colorado’s landmark “red flag” law will save lives. The bills passed were:
o SB23-279 Unserialized Firearms and Firearm Components (Ghost Guns)
o SB23-022 Possession of Weapon by Previous Offender Crimes
o SB23-1219 Waiting Period to Deliver a Firearm
o SB23-168 Allows product liability lawsuits against the firearms industry
o SB23-169 Increases Minimum Age to Purchase Firearms
o SB23-170 Extreme Risk Protection Order Petitions
o SB23-279 Prohibits Unserialized Firearms and Firearm Components

Community Service

Our community service efforts all focus on bettering the lives of the women, children and families in our communities. This year these efforts have included where funds were collected and supplies were purchased, projects where we donated goods and services, and projects where we offered our time and services to help others, and projects where we gathered together to provide the service or organize the donations. When we collect monetary donations every dollar collected goes directly to purchase the items being donated. The section covers all overhead, publicity, and expenses associated with providing the donations. This year in addition to goods donated, our members donated over $22,000 towards such projects and well over 5,000 people hours towards making these projects realities. We also sponsored a table both at the Cobalt Gala and the JCRC luncheon to show our support. Our Community Service projects this year

• Scholarships: Granted $16,000 of scholarships to Jewish women in need to further their

• Science Day at the Gathering Place: An enrichment program for the children at the Gathering Place to explore different science and the Arts Activities.

• Backpacks: Provided backpacks with all the needed school supplies to all the students in need at our adopted school, Sunset Ridge Elementary.

• Teacher potluck and supplies: Served lunch to the teachers at our adopted school, discussed how we can best serve their needs, and provided supplies they needed for their classrooms.

• Tutoring: Tutored in numerous classrooms weekly at our adopted school.

• Knitting for a Cause: Knitted together monthly or on our own and provided women Vets and Women at the Gathering Place with over 100 scarves, blankets, hats, etc.

• Fighting Hunger One Miracle at a Time: Celebrated the first night of Chanukah by examining hunger in Summit County’s mountain resort communities and the miracles in those communities that are addressing the problem including Smart Bellies, and several of the food pantries. Discussed legislative solutions with the Speaker of the House, a representative from the community, and served dinner to those in need.

• Bags for the Homeless: Prepared and delivered bags for the unhoused that included needed winter supplies and information on how to get housing and needed services.

• Flower Arranging for Hospice Patients: Learned to make flower arrangements in anticipation of setting our Passover tables and delivered the arrangements we made to hospice patients to brighten up their day and rooms.

• Dinner for the children and staff at the Denver Children’s Home: Prepared and served dinner twice during the year.

• Book Drive: Provided every student at our adopted school with a book to take home as their own for summer reading

• The Story of Red Riding Hood-The Girl Who Saved the Neighborhood: Created and implemented a semester long enrichment program for students at our adopted school to produce this wonderful musical.

• Feed our Families: provided families in need with grocery cards to feed their families over the winter break from school.

• Migrant Assistance at the Border: Provided goods to migrants at the border.

• Meals & Snacks for Migrants: Provided migrants leaving Ice with a meal and snacks to take on their way to their final destination.

• Arranged Locations for a Mobile Abortion Clinic to Preform Needed Services: Helped identify and coordinate locations so women from out-of-state can obtain needed services.


This year we have strengthened and built new partnership related to both our advocacy and community service work. By working side by side with partners we bring our expertise to the table and learn so much to make us a stronger and more powerful organization and force. We have successful added our voice and rolled up our sleeves to get legislation passed, promote needed activities, teach others and learn from others vital information, and preformed meaningful and transformational community work. Our partnerships this year have included:

Advocacy Partnerships and Coalitions of which NCJW is a Part

• Colorado Reproductive Health Rights and Justice Coalition
• Cobalt (Exceptional Partner Recognition 2023)
• Color Latina
• Women’s Lobby of Colorado
• Every Town
• League of Women Voters

Community Partnerships

• Sunset Ridge Elementary, Westminster Public Schools
• JEWISHcolorado
• Westminster High Schools Videography Program
• Casa De Paz
• Abara Borderlands Connections
• Golda Meir House (2022)

Hybrid (Advocacy and Community) Partnerships

• Moms Demand Action
• Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
• Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC)


During the term, approximately $21,000 was donated to NCJW Colorado Section. This included a generous second place ($9,000) grant from 100 Jews that Care Denver and two grants for programs from NCJW, Inc., generous individual donations, underwriting of several programs and gifts made in memory and honor of individuals. In fact, we had over 220 individuals donate to the section or a cause, many of whom made numerous donations. Every donation made to the section helps us continue to fulfil our mission of bettering the lives of women, children and families and are greatly appreciated. Without generous donations we would not be able to operate. Additionally, the section held one fundraiser this term, a brunch and On the Exhale Play, which was well attended and raised approximately $1700. WE ARE FOREVER GRATEFUL FOR ALL OF OUR DONORS AND THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS!

Behind the Scenes

In order for all of the wonderful programing and action NCJW Colorado does to occur, a lot of sweat equity and focus must go into the support elements behind the scenes. NCJW Colorado does not currently have any staff. (Please note, we do have a parttime bookkeeper who dedicates approximately 4 hours a month and have contracted a communications specialist to build A Communications Plan this year). In short, the sweat equity and focus comes from our volunteers. We are truly a roll up your sleeves and get it done organization, and we have certainly done just that by beefing up and putting in order all of the behind the scenes working of our organization this year.


Communication is the lifeline of our organization. Without a viable way for everyone to know what NCJW is about and what the organization does, people will not know about or attend programs, find or join our efforts or spread the word. As a cross generational organization run solely by volunteers, our communications are perhaps more challenging than other organizations. Thus, it has been very exciting that the Section’s communications were elevated this year through numerous measures. We migrated our email to an email system, we maintained our website, we increased the number of postcards sent about programs and attempted to transition our newsletter to both be on-line and hard copy. We increased our publicity through synagogues, Jewish organizations, community partners, the news, reporters and ads. We channeled people to our website and we tried to maintain our social media.

E-mail Transition

In November we migrated our email to an on-line system which allows us to brand our communication, produce professional messages, and track whether we reach our audience and whether our audience is engaging with the information. We currently have 681 subscribers of which 318 our active members. Overtime we appear to have a significantly higher open rate than average but a significantly lower than average click through rate, which indicates that someone clicked on something in the email to get more information.

It further appears that some of the Section’s campaigns like the calls to action and monthly events listings have higher open rates then other types of emails and special messages from the president has almost a perfect opening rate with over a 50% click through rate—WOW!

Because the click through rate is lower than we anticipated, in order to bring our attendance rate back up, we adjust what was in the emails because people were not migrating to the website to register for events and learn the details behind the events. Through the communication plan discussed below, we have revamped and are starting to roll out easier to read formats and clearer instructions regarding clicking through. Hopefully this will make a difference. We are trying hard to make our communications the best they can be.

Traditional Mail

Despite efforts to gather emails from all members, and all of the attention and care being given to electronic communication, reality is the Section does not have email addresses for 38% of our active membership. Thus, it is evident that traditional mail must still play a role in how we communicate. To this end we have increased the number of postcards sent to promote happenings and attempted to maintain a similar branding and look so members will know that it is an NCJW communication. We also attempted to extrapolate information from the emails to create a newsletter which could be sent regularly but this did not succeed. Thus, a traditional newsletter was sent in February. The traditional email was then uploaded into the email format so it could be enjoyed by all. The entire transition has taught us the significance of meeting people where they are and communicating with everyone in a way that works for them.

Communication Plan

NCJW Colorado engaged a communication specialist to carefully review our communications (including our new email structure and traditional communication mechanisms), provide a plan that will further elevate how we communicate with our members and potential members, and implement the plan. The plan examines the email, the website structure, usability and engagement, our social media engagement and management, our search engine optimization and our community communication engagement and mechanisms. It provides suggestions and tools to maximize each of these areas of our communications and helps us maximize our resources. Finally, it provides branding, instructions and training to help us succeed in implementing the plan. Implementation will occur throughout the next year.

Public Relations

Over the last year, NCJW has appeared in the Intermountain Jewish News on eight occasions and been part of reports on two tv stations and the radio. The Broadcaster’s Association has included NCJW in their list of organizations they interview off the record to keep a pulse on what issues are important track in our community. NCJW’s programs could be seen this year in temple bulletins, on bulletin boards at community partners and other Jewish organizations. We have had information booths at the Walk for Israel and other pertinent events. The word about who the National Council of Jewish Women is and what they do here in Colorado is getting out!

Videography Project

To enhance our social media and presence within the community we have embarked on a video project with the students at Westminster High School. They will film our section, our events and our members throughout the year. In the end they will produce various videos that highlight who we are, capture our history, and set a path for our future. In the end we will have a library of oral history, social media spots and videos for key programs that all highlight NCJW Colorado our mission, our activities and our people.


Each of the past few years, the Section has requested members provide key information which helps us grow and improve. This last year we had an above average response rate and used the information to produce many of the programs and processes contained in this report. As we hone in on the appropriate communication mechanisms, and continue to enhance our programs and grow our membership, your input is more important than ever. The key for NCJW Colorado YOU telling us what you want and to make sure your information is up to date and accurate. Next term’s survey will be coming out in July. Please take the time to tell us what you think and want!


Over the last few years, the Section has focused on building processes that will help us sustain, expand and enhance the good work we do. We have developed an onboarding process that prepares board members to excel in their roles, leadership training that helps prepare people to lead our organization, a pipeline and process for people to gain skills, a planning process that produces top notch programs, financial protocols for fiscal stability, mechanisms to memorialize our policies and procedures, and a strategic plan that looks at where we want to be in three years and outlines tasks that will help us achieve these goals.


People are excited to step up and lead NCJW Colorado. When new board members are installed each goes through an onboarding process that helps them understand their role, the entire board partakes in a board retreat and becomes verse in the policies and procedures of the Section. This last year we started the process of writing down our policies, job descriptions and procedures. We have begun to capture how we have done things that have worked well and produce the strongest outcomes possible. These protocols, procedures and job descriptions will be memorialized in an easy to follow manual similar to the communication manual the communication specialist is producing.

During the last year, the Section’s bylaws were revised. Amongst other revisions, board terms were expanded from one year to two with a two-term limit, a logistic Vice President was created, and the role of a President Elect was defined and codified, and key governance committees including the finance committee, nominating committee and governance committee were created or fine-tuned, their roles were defined and direction was provided on their operations.

With a strong board in place, attention is shifting to building a leadership pipeline through committee engagement, chairing events and providing a leadership training program which develops skills, dives deep into the functions of NCJW and hears from key community leaders and partners to understand leadership styles and skills.

With strong skilled leaders and a hefty leadership pipeline, NCJW Colorado will soar to new heights!

Financial Protocols

Adding to the Financial Committee Protocol and the Investment Policy established last term, this term saw the finance committee settle into its role advising on the Section’s financial business. A simplified budget was created and the time table for budget development was shifted from fall to spring. Thus, next term’s budget was passed in June by the current board. Other financial enhancements this year included establishing a clean streamlined accounting system, evaluated our banking and investment strategies and procedures, and realigned them to assure the strongest financial health possible. We operate leanly and are proud to announce that the current term will end with our finances in a solid state where the expenses are fully covered by income that was generated during the term.

Strategic Planning

For the first time this year, the Board focused on creating a strategic plan which looks forward to where we want to be in three years. A path to reach the goals was established and at the end of the term evaluated to assess what has been accomplished, what steps need to be taken next, and what adjustments would be recommended. By handing the plan and assessment to the new board and carefully transitioning each role, the new leadership will be poised to succeed. They will be positioned to make their own assessment, build on the foundation in place, bring new and creative ideas and views to the table, revise and enhance the plan in ways they see appropriate and take NCJW Colorado to new higher heights.

Looking Ahead

At 130 years, NCJW Colorado, the oldest women’s philanthropic organization in Colorado, stands strong, healthy and posed to look to the future. The year just past’s programs, community service and advocacy serve as great examples of what is to come, the strategic plan serves as a roadmap and a starting point to look to the future, the new board is posed for success with all the needed tools, and the membership, through the upcoming survey, will be the beacon to determine the proper route forward. We will see the development of the video library, the gathering of our history, the implementation of our leadership program, the financial realignment, and the implementation of several previously created programs. In the future, we will of course still follow our mission and focus on matters that better the lives of women, children, and families and safeguard individual rights and freedoms, but through new, innovative and forward-thinking growth and programming. There is no limit to where NCJW Colorado will go. We will surely soar to new heights. We are so glad you will be a part of it all, and encourage you to bring your friends and family along!

In the bonds of service, advocacy, and friendship,

Jacqui Beckett
President NCJW Colorado, 2019 – 2023