NCJW Colorado’s Hanukkah Happening 2024- December 15, 2024

Save Sunday, December 15 for an NCJW Colorado Hanukkah Happening at Three Fountains Clubhouse.  Festivities and fun start at 5:30 pm. Come for an evening  featuring:

  • board and card games
  • a silent auction of restaurant gift cards
  • Hanukkah group activities and traditions
  • door prizes
  • a grab bag “game”*
  • music
  • and, of course, Hanukkah nosh (latkes, kugel, sufganyot, etc. – a veritable holiday feast)! If you have a favorite that you like to share, feel free to bring it along!

*For the grab bag, we ask everyone to please bring a new, gift-wrapped coffee mug so that each of us can go home with a surprise remembrance of the party. Please don’t label who the mug is from.

Cost of the event – $10/person.  Guests are welcome, please let us know if you are bringing guests.

As an extra holiday mitzvah, if you so choose, please bring a hand-held, board or card game (whatever size you choose) to donate to women and/or children in need.

Please register here – address of Three Fountains Clubhouse will be sent after you register

If you have questions or want more information, please contact Michelle @ 303-332–7637 or