Day at the Capitol
We dedicate a day to introducing members to the State Capitol. We tour the Capitol building, have an opportunity to sit on the House floor, spend time with our legislators, learn about the bills being considered, learn what it means to lobby for an issues and meet with our representatives. It is a fantastic introduction to the state law making process and an opportunity to lobby for important issues.
The Day at the Capitol is followed up with team efforts to advocate for these crucial issues by testifying before committees, email and phone campaigns, and personal visits with our representatives.
This program is the start to a hands on approach to advocacy. Keep up with our Public Affairs committee and legislative advocacy here.
Federal Call-A-Thon
From time to time, we conduct call-a-thons on important topics. During these programs we spend time learning about key issues in front of our national legislators. We practice effective calling and letter writing techniques and then we have a call-a-thon reaching as many of our representatives and senators as possible. We let them know our opinion and share our personal stories on these important topics. Finally, we follow up our efforts by writing letters to mail out or email.
Candidates Forum
We hold this important event biannually (in major election years) in partnership with JCRC. All candidates for local, state and federal offices are invited and speak to issues that are important to them. Participants are able to meet the candidates and get their questions answered. It is a fantastic opportunity to understand where candidates stand on the issues. This event always occurs in early fall, prior to election day.